Community News
*IMPORTANT WARNING: The 3 ponds in our neighborhood are NOT for swimming. Please do not enter the water in these ponds. Fishing (catch & release) is only permitted in the pond behind the clubhouse. Please respect the homeowner’s property around the ponds and do not remove the stones along the bank of the ponds.
The pool is closed for the season. It will reopen in May 2025
REMINDER: the Annual Board meeting will be Monday March 24, 2025. Three positions will be open for election to the Board. If you are interested in running for one of those spots, please send Emily Northrup ( a paragraph introducing yourself to the community and stating why you would like to be on the Board by February 17, 2025. Please consider serving your community in this important role.
Geese Chasers will start their services for the Spring on the Wellingborough & Forest Park Way ponds from February 1 through May 31. This service has been very effective in keeping the large Canadian geese from settling on our ponds, eating up the grass surrounding the ponds, leaving their excrement along the sidewalks and chasing away other waterfowl. They use dogs to chase away the geese on a consistent basis, so the geese find quieter living arrangements. Central North Carolina
Upcoming Social Events:
Easter Egg Hunt Saturday April 12 at 9:00am in the Wellington Park Community Garden. If you are interested in attending, send an email to the social committee at by Monday March 31 to RSVP.
The social committee is looking for volunteers to help plan and implement social events for 2025. If you can help in any way, please email Kim at Remember, many hands make for light work. Any time you can give will help us have fun events this year.
Tennis & Pickleball
SPRING 2025 tennis & pickleball lessons with Tennisbloc starts March 15 & run through May 11, 2025. For more information and to register for future classes visits the Tennisbloc website:
Summer Camp 2025 with Tennisbloc at our tennis courts. Tennisbloc will be hosting a kids camp for Wellington Park residents during the week of August 18th -22nd from 8:30am-3:30pm. This camp is ideal for, but not limited to, ages 6-14. For more details and to register visit Upcoming tennis-centric, multi-sport camps – Tennisbloc
Wellingborough Townhome Development
The Board wanted to follow up and let the community know the results of the poll that was sent out in early June regarding interest in the proposed townhome development on the 301 Wellingborough property (corner of Thurston & Wellingborough).
There were a total of 68 responses. 46 (68%) were in favor of engaging with the development, and 22 (32%) were in favor of no engagement. Alongside this vote were several questions and comments about the specifics of the development.
The Board reviewed these results and felt that there was enough interest to form a Townhome Committee that will help collect details on the development, impacts to our community, and what options are available for engaging with the development. A number of individuals expressed interest through the survey regarding the committee, which has started meeting.
We would like to emphasize again that this is still an exploratory phase. There are many questions still to be answered, and through the work of the committee we hope to answer questions the community has before any specific actions are taken.
Thank you to all who participated in the survey! We appreciate all feedback and questions.
Since the Town of Cary council passed rezoning request 24-REZ-03 to change the property on the corner of Wellingborough & Thurston from Daycare to Residential at the January 23rd council meeting, the development company is moving forward with drawing up design plans for the townhome units. The designs will need to be approved by the Town of Cary. It will be another several months before they can break ground. The townhome committee is investigating what it would take and how much it would cost to make them a “subdivision” of our HOA. If you are interested in participating in the committee to look at engagement with the proposed 7 townhomes, please email the WP HOA Board at
Thank you to the homeowners who volunteer for our HOA Board: Richard Raymond- President, Wil Mulligan – Vice President, Adam Powell-Secretary, Sterling Porter-treasurer & Nora Roehm- Member at Large. Monthly HOA Board meetings are held on the first Monday of each month at the Clubhouse. The Annual Board meeting take place on the 3rd Monday in March. You can find the Board’s annual messages on the Reference page with the meeting minutes. Your WP HOA Board strives to be responsive to the community’s needs and feedback. Please contact the Board anytime through the “Contact Us” page.